Global Positioning System MAPPING

ScanPlus is experienced and certified in performing 3d & GPS mapping services

GPS Mapping

ScanPlus employs the latest technology in global position and 3D mapping. Our GPS equipment the Leica global navigation systems (GNSS) with real time kinematic (RTK), can be integrated with our GPR’s or used as a stand-alone device. ScanPlus can provide centimetre accurate positions of the underground services on your site.

ScanPlus offers utility mapping as well as borehole mapping with GPS coordinates exported in text file format as well as point and polyline features available shp. and kml. format.

3D Mapping


ScanPlus utilizes the latest in underground 3D mapping software. IQMaps is a new post-processing software application for advanced GPR data analysis, which provides a fast interfacing between the user and the GPR data. Machine time has been reduced and, contemporarily, real-time processing, advanced target management and 3D visualization have been introduced

In addition to underground assets detection and mapping, other functionalities are available for 3D mapping of sinkholes, inspection chambers and archaeological sites.

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If you’d like to talk to us about a project, or anything else, we’d love to hear from you.